BD 必帝全系列培養基、微生物診斷、生化試劑、臨床醫療器材
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BD Dicfo-BD BBL-BD Bacto-02BD Dicfo-BD BBL-BD Bacto-03BD Dicfo-BD BBL-BD Bacto-01 無動物來源蛋白腖及酵母萃取物 Animal-Free Peptones and Yeast Extracts 在培養微生物及細胞時,為了減少風險及疑慮,製程過程也降低使用動物性來源的成分。有鑑於此,擁有百年歷史的 BD Difco™ 致力研發大量的非動物性來源的培養基,如大豆蛋白腖、酵母萃取物等。BDAB 所提供的無動物來源蛋白腖,為細胞培養中良好的血清替代性營養成分,也是細菌發酵的優質原料。 動物來源蛋白腖及酪、乳清蛋白腖 Animal-Origin Peptones and Casein and Whey Peptones 動物組織或來自動物的液體成分,經水解後形成胺基酸及多肽等營養物質,透過控制蛋白質及蛋白質酶的來源及質量,進行特定的水解方式,可以得到不同的肉蛋白腖產品。 BD Difco™ 所選擇的動物蛋白質來源,包含健康的動物肌肉、骨骼、皮膚及胰腺,其條件為人類食用等級的肉品。而酪蛋白及乳清蛋白來自於牛奶,酪蛋白為牛奶蛋白質中最具營養成分的蛋白質之一,富含必需胺基酸;乳清蛋白 (lactalbumin) 含有游離胺基酸及多肽、碳水化合物、維生素及礦物質。 預混合培養基│Premix Medium BD 提供各種細胞培養及微生物發酵應用的培養基產品,在重組大腸桿菌及酵母菌的發酵,也以非動物來源取代傳統經典培養基中的動物性成分,大幅降低了 TSE/BSE 的風險;並且從傳統動物性培養基中,分析有助於微生物生長的成分,使用非動物來源取代此成分;也分析了動物來源培養基中可能抑制或對微生物生長沒顯著差異的成分,並去除此成分,故改良後的培養基的微生物生長密度也超過傳統動物性來源培養基的兩倍。

Difco™ Antiserum 針對食品中毒之 Salmonella、Shigella、Vibrio、E.coli O157:H7 與 Listera 等重要的病原菌,提供了最為準確、快速與簡單的檢驗方法。BD Difco™ Antiserum 不僅為美國 FDA 與歐盟 CE建議,也是國內衛福部公告以及 CNS 標準方法之一。

透過培養基將單一微生物細胞增殖為肉眼可見的菌落或是增殖到可偵測的程度,一直被認為是微生物計數的唯一方法。然而,培養法卻無法達到即時的真實計數。過去的流式細胞儀因為是為動物、昆蟲或是植物細胞所設計,其上樣、染色與液流系統並不適用於微生物;BD FACSMicroCount™ 即時微生物計數分析儀則為微生物量身打造,透過專屬的液流與染色系統,讓真實、即時的計數化為可能。


  • 全自動上樣、染色與偵測系統,有別於傳統計數以及過去流式細胞儀,降低樣品間的計數誤差
  • 3~5 分鐘得知樣本中微生物數量與狀態
  • 支援連續載入樣本,最多可設定 42 個樣本
  • 具備 1 組智能優先操作樣本架,提供緊急優先之樣本插隊分析
  • 內建常用微生物分析程,無須繁複設定
  • 符合 FDA 21 CFR Part 11 電子紀錄規範

BD 全自動即時微生物計數分析儀 FACSMicroCount™



產品優勢 :

  • 微生物生長代謝產生 CO2
  • CO與培養瓶感應器的染劑反應。
  • LED 激發感應器中的螢光物質。
  • 學感測器接收與讀取螢光。
  • 原始訊號傳輸至電腦主機。
  • 進行陽性反應資料分析。
  • 系統針對陽性反應之培養瓶發出多種警告訊息。


BD必帝 Bactec™ FX40 全自動微生物螢光偵測培養系統


建立完整的微生物鑑定方案是微生物控制的重要環節,而生化試驗檢驗法是目前最為正統微生物鑑定方法,也是各國的黃金標準(gold standard)。


  • 挑取培養基菌落
  • 調整 McFarland 濃度
  • 將菌液倒入反應槽
  • 掃描 Barcode 資料及建檔
  • 進行培養及鑑定

BD 微生物鑑定與藥敏分析系統 Phoenix™ 影片介紹


必帝培養基BD Difco™

Difco™ LB 粉末培養基 Difco™ 全球最為知名的培養基品牌,也是少數試藥等級的微生物培養基之ㄧ,非一般市面上使用食品級原料混合之品牌能比擬。百年歷史的 Difco LB 有著最佳的批次間穩定性,是 E. Coli 表現系統最佳的選擇!

Select APS LB Broth Base 培養基

根據 LB broth Lennox 配方改良的非動物性成分(Animal free)培養基,非常適用於重組 E. Coli 高密度培養。Select APS™ LB broth 使用 Soybean 水解物與 Yeast extract,可以提高 E. Coli DH5α 密度達傳統 LB broth 的兩倍。

Difco™ Select APS Super Broth 必帝培養基

根據 Terrific broth 配方改良的非動物性成分(Animal free)培養基,是目前培養高密度含質體 E. Coli 最好的培養基之ㄧ。SelectAPS™ super broth 採用 glycerol 取代 glucose 避免發酵過程中產生過多的醋酸影響菌種生長。

Yeast Extract

原料為 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 酵母細胞分解液,是目前最為廣泛使用的非動物來源發酵原料。Yeast extract 提供了豐富的營養成分,包括 vitamins、amino acids、peptides 與 carbohydrates 等。其高營養價值也是胎牛血清 FBS 最佳替代物。




必帝環境監控終端滅菌採集棉棒(多層)BD Sterile Swab IBD 220518 產品優勢

  • BD Sterile Swab 環境採樣用棉棒。
  • γ 照射終端滅菌,SAL10-6 。
  • 易開式多層包裝。
  • 含 4 種中和劑。
  • 促進受傷微生物生長配方。


必帝環境監控終端滅菌採集棉棒(多層)BD Sterile Swab IBD 220518 產品優勢

  • BD Sterile Swab 環境採樣用棉棒。
  • γ 照射終端滅菌,SAL10-6 。
  • 易開式多層包裝。
  • 含 4 種中和劑。
  • 促進受傷微生物生長配方。


  • BD 原廠原裝進口,滅菌程度 SAL 達10-5
  • γ 照射終端滅菌、雙層或三層(isolator)無菌包裝。
  • Tyvek / Polyethylene 材質包裝。
  • 內含無菌運送袋,收集採集後之培養基。
  • Nylon 材質保護培養基免於 H2O蒸氣破壞(isolator包裝)。
  • 包裝附有滅菌指示條。
  • 完整效能測試與 COA 證明。



  • γ 照射無菌粉末,避免偽陽性結果產生,並降低在 media fill 過程污染廠房的疑慮
  • 適用於冷過濾配製,不須經由高溫高壓,故可加入注射用水(WFI)直接充填,如此能模擬實際藥物充填與過濾時的狀態
  • cfTSB 過濾速度 Vcap 可達到 4786 L / m2(PES membrane),降低阻塞昂貴過濾設備疑慮
  • 提供無菌袋裝液態 broth 規格,包裝有 1, 10, 20, 50, 100 公升
  • 提供無動物來源培養基成分,尤其適用於生物藥品製程
原廠DM下載:ThermoFisher Culture Media in Bioprocess Containers【點我下載】
原廠網站介紹:ThermoFisher Media in BioProcess Containers【點我前往】

BD Difco™ 培養基創立於 19 世紀,至今已經有百年歷史。從原料篩選、濃縮、酵素水解、過濾、乾量與套定燥等製造程序,皆由 Difco™ 自家獨立工廠完成,為的就是維持批次間的穩定性(Lot Consistency),微也因此 BD Difco™ 除了 ISO 9001、ISO 13485 與 USA FDA 21CFR820(GMP)認證外,還擁有美國 FDA 核准的醫藥 DMF(Drug Master File)認證以及最完整的動物性原料來源與風險管理證明,與食品與飼料用等級的培養基是顯然不同的。


BD Difco™ 多年來致力於成為全球臨床診斷、民生衛生規範與藥典的標準配方(Gold Formulation)。對於國際間藥典方法的調和,BD Difco™ 也領先業界完整地提供 USP、EP、JP、BP 以及中華藥典所需的各種培養基與配方,讓國內與國際藥廠同步更新。


  • 藥典方法(Compendial methods):USP/EP/JP/BP/CP 與中華藥典全系列培養基
  • ISO 醫療器材生物負荷量(bioburden)無菌性試驗用培養基
  • 抗生素效價(bioassay)全系列培養基
  • 防腐效能測試用培養基
  • 黴漿菌檢測用培養基
  • 維生素 Microbial Assay 全系列培養基

BD Difco™ 必帝無菌性試驗專用培養基礎基Sterility Test Medium

  • SAL 10-6 滅菌水準;亦有提供雙層無菌包裝。
  • 各種容積、多樣瓶口設計,最完整的產品線。
  • 培養基以不同顏色區分,瓶身並標示有可耐酒精或含氯清潔劑。
  • 瓶身使用透明標籤標示,方便品管人員觀察結果。亦有依據藥典配製,適用於厭氧培養,清澈度高的 Alternative Thioglycollate Medium, 一但出現陽性反應,將更容易觀察。
  • 培養基符合 USP 第 71 章 Sterility Test 對於培養基適用性(Suitability)的要求,以 < 100 CFU 的品管株進行生長促進實驗(Growth promotion test)確效結果明確標示於 COA 中。


BD 的酵母萃取物使用 Saccharomyces cerevisiae,也就是俗稱的啤酒酵母,透過自解 (Autolysate) 的方式,保留最完整的營養,包含微生物及動物細胞生長所需的胺基酸、維生素及碳水化合物,可以促進細胞生長,可以說是應用最廣泛的培養基原料。BD 所生產的酵母萃取物,其分子量大約小於 250 道爾吞,分子量小,便於細胞及微生物利用其營養。而且酵母萃取物為良好的非動物來源培養基,可提供生物製藥最優質的原料。而BD也因應各種製程或研究所需,提供最完整的酵母萃取物,如廣泛使用在細胞培養的 BD Bacto™ TC Yeastolate、BD Difco™ TC Yeastolate, UF 及 Difco™ Yeast Extract, UF,其中 BD Difco™ TC Yeastolate, UF 及 Difco™ Yeast Extract, UF 在製程過程中,多加了超過濾 (Ultra-Filtered),使內毒素降低至 500 EU/g 以下,用於取代血清,降低生物製程中的 TSE/BSE 風險;而常用的微生物發酵的酵母萃取物則包含了 BD BBL™ Yeast Extract 及 Bacto™ Yeast Extract, Technical,提供微生物所需的生長因子。


BD Yeast Extract 4BD Yeast Extract 5BD Yeast Extract 1

BD Yeast Extract 3BD Yeast Extract 6

BD Dicfo-BD BBL-BD Bacto-02

BD蛋白腖BD Bacto™ Tryptone 為胰臟酵素水解酪蛋白(Casein),酪蛋白來自於牛奶,是牛奶蛋白質中最具營養成分之一,而 BD 所使用的牛奶及胰腺,為人類可食用等級的健康動物來源,品質穩定,製造過程嚴謹。BD Bacto™ Tryptone 是各種培養基的基礎原料,如 LB broth、Terrific broth、Tryptic soy broth(TSB) 及 Fluid Thioglycollate medium(FTM)。而在腸桿菌科的主要鑑別 IMViC 中,吲哚試驗(Indole test) 的培養基為 Tryptone,此培養基含有色胺酸 (tryptophan),可被色胺酸轉變成吲哚,加入柯瓦克試劑 (Kovac’ reagent) 會變粉紅色。

BD Bacto Tryptone

BD Cell Culture Medium and Supplements-01BD Cell Culture Medium and Supplements-01BD Cell Culture Medium and Supplements-01


BD單株抗體生產培養基 BD Cell™ mAb Medium

BD Cell™ mAb Medium 為高密度生產單株抗體的培養基,相較於傳統配方之培養基,mAb Medium專為細胞培養之蛋白質生產的產程量身訂製,以完整的營養,使抗體產量增加5至25倍,適用於 myeloma fusion 與 hybridomas,如 Sp2/0, NS-1, P3X63Ag9, FOX-NY 及 CHO 細胞。

BD 最佳化 CHO 細胞培養基 BD Select™ CHO Medium

BD 以百年工藝,製造出精品般的蛋白質水解物,與良好的細胞培養基搭配,生產出BD Select™ CHO Medium,不需額外添加血清替代物質,也不需浪費時間去篩選培養基與營養添加物之間的比例,以更優化的細胞培養基提高抗體或重組蛋白的產量。適合批次(batch)培養或外加養分式批次(fed-batch)培養,主要用來培養 CHO 細胞。

BD 最佳化 CD1000 培養基 BD Select™ CD1000 Medium

對於生物製藥或現代細胞培養技術而言,培養基或營養添加物的明確成分,無論在法規或實際純化技術上,都越來越苛求。BD Select™ CD1000 Medium為化學限定基礎培養基,成分明確且不含動物來源的蛋白質,可用來培養CHO、NS0 及 hybridoma 細胞,使製程之間的批次更穩定,風險與條件控管更便利。

化學限定營養添加劑 Chemically Defined Supplements

成分明確且已之結構的化學限定營養添加劑,可以提供細胞培養必要的營養,提高生物製程批次間的穩定性及一致性,也降低了製程間的風險,對於後續的目標蛋白質純化也更方便。BD 所製造的化學限定營養添加劑主要有:BD Recharge™ 及 BD Resurge™ 兩大類產品,由美國佛羅里達州的邁阿密製造,用最先進的設施,以已知分子式及化學結構組成。 BD Recharge™ 可提高 CHO 細胞的單株抗體及重組蛋白質產量; BD Resurge™ 可以優化細胞表現蛋白質力價、生長特性及蛋白質質量。

快速搜尋 BD 產品規格與料件編號


BBL212086含5%羊血苯荃乙基酒精培養基BBL Phenylethyl Alcohol with 5% Sheep Blood20 PC/BOXBD
BBL215085李斯特菌產色鑑定培養基CHROMagar Listeria20 PC/BOXBD
BBL221723馬尿酸鹽紙錠BD Taxo Differentiation Discs-Hippurate50 discs/ EABD
BBL230809抗生素紙錠Furazolidone 100 μg (FX-100)1 EABD
BBL231041枯草菌素藥紙片Bacitracin Discs (Taxo A)50 disk /Vial, 6vial/BOXBD
BBL231047歐普脫辛藥紙片Optochin Discs (Taxo P)50 disk /Vial, 6vial/BOXBD
BBL231251抗生素紙錠Minocycline 30 μg (MI-30) (MIN-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231264抗生素紙錠Ampicillin 10 μg (AM-10) (AMP-10)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231267抗生素紙錠Bacitracin 2 units (B-2)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231268抗生素紙錠Bacitracin 10 units (B-10)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231271抗生素紙錠Cephalothin 30 μg (CF-30) (CR-30) (KF-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231274抗生素紙錠Chloramphenicol 30 μg (C-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231275抗生素紙錠Clindamycin 2 μg (CC-2) (DA-2)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231278抗生素紙錠Colistin 10 μg (CL-10) (CT-10)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231286抗生素紙錠Doxycycline 30 μg (D-30) (DO-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231290抗生素紙錠Erythromycin 15 μg (E-15)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231293抗生素紙錠Nitrofurantoin 300 μg (FM-300) (F-300)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231296抗生素紙錠Sulfisoxazole 0.25 mg (G-0.25)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231299抗生素紙錠Gentamicin 10 μg (GM-10) (CN-10)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231301抗生素紙錠Kanamycin 30 μg (K-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231309抗生素紙錠Nafcillin 1 μg (NF-1)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231311抗生素紙錠Nalidixic Acid 30 μg (NA-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231313抗生素紙錠Neomycin 30 μg (N-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231314抗生素紙錠Novobiocin 5 μg (NB-5) (NV-5)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231315抗生素紙錠Novobiocin 30 μg (NB-30) (NV-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231319抗生素紙錠Oxacillin 1 μg (OX-1)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231320抗生素紙錠Penicillin 2 units (P-2)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231321抗生素紙錠Penicillin 10 units (P-10)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231324抗生素紙錠Polymyxin B 300 units (PB-300)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231326抗生素紙錠Sulfachloropyridazine 1.0 mg (SL-1.0)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231328抗生素紙錠Streptomycin 10 μg (S-10)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231331抗生素紙錠Sulfadiazine 0.25 mg (SD-0.25)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231342抗生素紙錠Oxytetracycline 30 μg (T-30) (OT-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231344抗生素紙錠Tetracycline 30 μg (TE-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231345抗生素紙錠Sulfamethizole 0.25 mg (TH-0.25)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231352厭氧菌鑑定用紙錠Vancomycin 5 μg (VA-5)10 EA / BOXBD
BBL231353抗生素紙錠Vancomycin 30 μg (VA-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231539抗生素紙錠Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim 23.75/1.25 μg (SXT-25)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231544抗生素紙錠Rifampin 5 μg (RA-5) (RD-5)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231562厭氧菌鑑定用紙錠Kanamycin 1000 μg (K-1000)1 EABD
BBL231569抗生素紙錠Tobramycin 10 μg (NN-10) (TOB-10) (TM-10)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231571抗生素紙錠INH-11 EABD
BBL231572抗生素紙錠INH-51 EABD
BBL231591抗生素紙錠Cefoxitin 30 μg (FOX-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231593抗生素紙錠Cefazolin30 μg (CZ-30) (KZ-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231595抗生素紙錠Cefamandole 30 μg (MA-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231597抗生素紙錠Amikacin 30 μg (AN-30) (AK-30)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231603抗生素紙錠Netilmicin 30 μg (NET-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231607抗生素紙錠Cefotaxime 30 μg (CTX-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231609抗生素紙錠Piperacillin 100 μg (PIP-100) (PRL-100)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231611抗生素紙錠Moxalactam 30 μg (MOX-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231613抗生素紙錠Cefoperazone 75 μg (CFP-75 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231615抗生素紙錠Mezlocillin 75 μg (MZ-75) (MEZ-75)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231621抗生素紙錠Cefuroxime 30 μg (CXM-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231623抗生素紙錠Ceftizoxime 30 μg (ZOX-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231629抗生素紙錠Amoxicillin with Clavulanic Acid 20/10μg(AMC-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231633抗生素紙錠Ceftazidime 30 μg (CAZ-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231635抗生素紙錠Ceftriaxone 30 μg (CRO-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231637抗生素紙錠Spectinomycin 100 μg (SPT-100) (SH-100)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231641抗生素紙錠Aztreonam 30 μg (ATM-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231643抗生素紙錠Cefonicid 30 μg (CID-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231645抗生素紙錠Imipenem 10 μg (IPM-10 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231647抗生素紙錠Norfloxacin 10 μg (NOR-10 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231649抗生素紙錠Ticarcillin with Clavulanic Acid 75/10μg(TIM-85 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231653抗生素紙錠Cefaclor 30 μg (CEC-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231658抗生素紙錠Ciprofloxacin 5 μg (CIP-5 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231660抗生素紙錠Ampicillin with Sulbactam 10/10 μg (SAM-20 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231662抗生素紙錠Enoxacin 10 μg (ENX-10 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231664抗生素紙錠Cefixime 5 μg (CFM-5 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231666抗生素紙錠Cefmetazole 30 μg (CMZ-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231672抗生素紙錠Ofloxacin 5 μg (OFX-5 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231674抗生素紙錠Cefpodoxime 10 μg (CPD-10 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231678抗生素紙錠Clairthromycin 15 μg (CLR-15 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231682抗生素紙錠Azithromycin 15 μg (AZM-15 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231692抗生素紙錠Piperacillin/Tazobactam 100/10 μg (TZP-110 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231693抗生素紙錠Gentamicin 120 μg (GM-120) (CN-120)1 EABD
BBL231694抗生素紙錠Streptomycin 300 μg (S-300)1 EABD
BBL231696抗生素紙錠Cefepime 30 μg (FEP-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231704抗生素紙錠Meropenem 10 μg (MEM-10 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231706抗生素紙錠Levofloxacin 5 μg (LVX-5) (LEV-5)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231708抗生素紙錠Sparfloxacin 5 μg (SPX-5)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231717抗生素紙錠Enrofloxacin 5 μg (ENO-5) (ENR-5)1 EABD
BBL231723馬尿酸鹽紙錠BD Taxo Differentiation Discs-Hippurate1 EABD
BBL231752抗生素紙錠Cefotaxime/Clavulanic Acid 30/10 μg (CTX/CLA) (CD03)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231754抗生素紙錠Ceftazidime/Clavulanic Acid 30/10 μg (CAZ-CLA) (CD02)10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231758抗生素紙錠Moxifloxacin 5 μg (MFX-5 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231760抗生素紙錠Gatifloxacin 5 μg (GAT-5 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL231762抗生素紙錠Linezolid 30 μg (LZD-30 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL232087抗生素紙錠Tigecycline 15 μg (TGC-15 )1 EABD
BBL232175抗生素紙錠Ertapenem 10 μg (ETP-10 )10 EA /BOXBD
BBL232219抗生素紙錠Doripenem 10 µg10 EA /BOXBD
BBL240862化痰液組MYCOPREP 75mL75 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/CTNBD
BBL240863化痰液組MYCOPREP 150mL150 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/CTNBD
BBL251261血液培養基BAP (TSA with 5% Sheep Blood)100 PC/BOXBD
BBL251267巧克力II培養基Chocolate II Agar (GC II Agar with Hemoglobin and IsoVitalex)100 PC/BOXBD
BBL251352含5%羊血哥倫比亞含血培養基BBL Columbia CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood20 PC/BOXBD
BBL251801謬勒海頓固體含血培養基Mueller Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood15 cm, 24 PC/BOXBD
BBL252258血液/伊紅亞甲基藍二分格培養基BAP(TSA with 5% Sheep Blood)/Levine EMB Agar100 PC/BOX,日本製BD
BBL254430幽門螺旋桿菌培養基Helicobacter Agar, Modified90 mm, 20 PC/BOXBD
BBL257008R2A培養基R2A Agar20 PC/BOXBD
BBL26064012 孔藥敏紙錠分裝器Sensi-Disc Dispenser 12 cart (150mm)12 孔藥敏紙錠分裝器 (150mm)BD
BBL2606608 孔藥敏紙錠分裝器Sensi-Disc Dispenser 8 cart8 孔藥敏紙錠分裝器BD
BBL2606616 孔藥敏紙錠分裝器Sensi-Disc Dispenser 6 cart6 孔藥敏紙錠分裝器BD
BBL275005RPR梅毒血清測試組RPR(Rapid Plasma Reagin) Card Test Kit500 TEST/BOXBD
BBL291255抗生素紙錠Ceftiofur 30 μg (XNL-30 )1 EABD
BBL245122快速細菌螢光培養管7mLMGIT Tube 7mL100 EA/BOXBD BBL(MGIT)
BBL245124快速細菌營養劑及抗生素添加劑MGIT Supplement Test6 SET/BOXBD BBL(MGIT)
BBL210866PG-PS 10S 肽聚醣聚合物PG-PS 10S10 mg / BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL210912AK培養基#2(孢子形成培養基)AK Agar #2 (Sporulating Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL210920放線菌培養液Actinomyces Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL210986抗生素培養基13號Antibiotic Medium 13500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211027BiGGY培養基BiGGY Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211037血液基礎培養基Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211043胰蛋白大豆培養基Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211057腦心氯黴素放線菌培養基Brain Heart CC Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211059腦心浸出培養液Brain Heart Infusion (BHI Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211065腦心浸出培養基Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211086布魯賽爾培養基Brucella Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211088布魯賽爾培養液Brucella Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211094CTA培養基CTA Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211096胱氨酸胰蛋白凍培養基CTA Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211102卡氏運送培養基Cary and Blair Transport Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211106Casman基礎培養基Casman Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211124哥倫比亞基礎培養基Columbia Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211132玉米粉培養基Corn Meal Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211144DCLS培養基DCLS Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211199Endo培養基Endo Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211215改良式伊紅亞甲基藍培養基Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Modified (EMB Agar, Modified)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211221伊紅亞甲基藍培養基Levine Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (Levine EMB Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211248FTA紅血球凝集緩衝液FTA Hemagglutination Buffer500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211279革蘭氏陰性菌培養液GN Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211287改良綠色黴菌和酵母菌培養液M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211299引朵亞硝酸鹽培養基Indole Nitrite Medium (Trypticase Nitrate Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211317克氏鐵質培養基Kligler Iron Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211327乳酸菌選擇性培養基LBS Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211343石蕊牛乳Litmus Milk500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211383甲基紅歐普氏培養液MR-VP Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211387馬康奇培養基MacConkey Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211399改良式丙二酸鹽培養液Malonate Broth, (Ewing) Modified500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211407甘露醇鹽培養基Mannitol Salt Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211430默勒脫羧脢基礎培養液Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211436運動性試驗培養基Motility Test Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211438藥敏試驗培養基Mueller Hinton II Agar (M-H II Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211441藥敏試驗培養基Mueller Hinton II Agar (M-H II Agar)5 lb (2.3 kg) /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211450真菌低 pH培養基Mycophil Agar with Low pH500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211458黴漿菌基礎培養液PPLO Broth Base (Mycoplasma Broth Base)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211462真菌選擇性培養基Mycosel Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211486橙血清培養基Orange Serum Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211502酚紅基礎培養基Phenol Red Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211506酚紅基礎培養液Phenol Red Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211514酚紅葡萄糖培養液Phenol Red Dextrose Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211533酚紅蔗糖培養液Phenol Red Sucrose Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211539苯乙基乙醇培養基Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar (PEA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211544磷酸鹽緩衝液Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211546植物凍酵母抽出物培養基Phytone Yeast Extract Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211567大米抽出物培養基Rice Extract Agar100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211578運動性培養基SIM Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211597沙門氏菌志賀氏菌培養基Salmonella Shigella Agar (SS Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211636螺旋菌培養液Spirolate Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211638平板計數培養基Plate Count Agar (PCA) (Standard Methods Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211716改良硫醇乙酸鹽培養基Thioglycollate Medium, Brewer Modified500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211720硫醇乙酸鹽培養基不含135c指示劑Thioglycollate Medium without indicator -135c500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211727液體硫醇乙酸鹽培養基不含葡萄糖或 Eh 指示劑Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid, without Dextrose or Eh indicator500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211747Trichosel 培養液BBL Trichosel Broth, Modified Dehydrated500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211768胰蛋白大豆培養液Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211795尿素基礎培養基Urea Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211836XL基礎培養基XL Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211874血紅素溶液2%Hemoglobin Solution 2%10×100 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL211876IsoVitaleX增菌液IsoVitaleX Enrichment5×10 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL211886分枝桿菌OADC增菌液Middlebrook OADC Enrichment10×20 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL211925吐溫80Polysorbate 80100 mL /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212104哥倫比亞CNA培養基Columbia CNA Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212160酚紅乳糖培養液Phenol Red Lactose Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212189Schaedler培養基Schaedler Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL2122037H11基礎培養基Seven H11 Agar Base (7H11 Agar Base)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212205腸球菌培養基Enterococcosel Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212207腸球菌培養液Enterococcosel Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212218CLED培養基CLED Agar (Cystine-Lactose-Electrolyte-Deficient Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212223吐溫20Polysorbate 20100 mL /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212228VCN抑制劑VCN Inhibitor10×10 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL212240分枝桿菌OADC增菌液Middlebrook OADC Enrichment6×100 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL212257藥敏試驗培養基Mueller Hinton II Agar (M-H II Agar)25 lb (11.35 kg) /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212263微生物含量測試培養基Trypticas Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 805 lb (2.3 kg) /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212272洋菜膠Agarose500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212305改良式胰蛋白大豆培養基Trypticase Soy Agar, Modified (TSA II)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212306馬康奇II培養基MacConkey II Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212322藥敏試驗培養液Mueller Hinton II Broth (M-H II Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212327BCYE基礎培養基BCYE Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212330表皮真菌測試基礎培養基Dermatophyte Test Medium Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212351分枝桿菌OADC增菌液Middlebrook OADC Enrichment500 mL /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212352分枝桿菌ADC增菌液Middlebrook ADC Enrichment6×100 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL212354維他命K1-Hemin溶液Tube Vitamin K1-Hemin Solution10 mL, 10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL212357蛋黃液(含亞碲酸鹽)Egg Yolk Tellurite Solution (EY Tellurite)6BOT/BOX, 100 mL/BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212392牛血紅素Hemoglobin, Bovine, Freeze-Dried500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL212402李斯特菌選擇性添加劑Listeria Selective Supplement10 x 2 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL212408VCNT抑制劑VCNT Inhibitor10 x 10 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL212484LB基礎培養液,選擇性蛋白來源LB Broth Base, Select APS10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL2152941%亞碲酸鹽溶液Chapman Tellurite Solution 1%5 mL *10 tube/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL215336腸內菌鑑定套組EnteroPluri-Test25 test/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL215342Plate IC-XT TSA LP80 100mmPlate IC-XT TSA LP80 100mm100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL215343Plate IC-XT TSA 100mmPlate IC-XT TSA 100mm100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL219310結晶紫Crystal Violet100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL220110溴甲酚紫Bromcresol Purple5 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL220909分枝桿菌培養基L-J Medium Slant (Lowenstein-Jensen Medium Slant)100 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221098尿素培養液添加劑Urease Broth Concentrate 10X10 x 10 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221100尿素基礎培養基添加劑Urea Agar Base Concentrate 10X10 x 10 mL/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221234胰蛋白大豆接觸培養基(含卵磷脂,吐溫80及Penicillinase)RODAC Trypticase Soy Agar with Lecithin, Polysorbate 80 and PenicillinaseRODAC, 10 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221238胰蛋白大豆接觸培養基(含卵磷脂及吐溫80)RODAC Trypticase Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80RODAC, 10 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221240淋病奈瑟氏菌藥敏試驗培養基GC II Agar w/ IsoVitaleX Enrichment150 mm Large, 8 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221602Port-A-Cul 運送套組Port-A-Cul Transport Systems10 vials/SETBD Difco BBL
BBL221823胰蛋白大豆培養液Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)15 mL/EA,100 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221875培養基V Agar (for G. vaginalis)100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL221954嗜血性菌藥物測試培養基Haemophilus Test Medium Agar (HTM)15 cm, 8 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL222228艱難梭菌選擇性培養基Clostridium Difficile Selective Agar (CDSA)10 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL223181FA A群鏈球菌FITCFA Streptococcus Group A FITC5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
BBL231401革蘭氏染色玻片Gram Slide50 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL231650頭孢硝吩紙錠Cefinase Paper Disc (Nitrocefin)1 EABD Difco BBL
BBL231726SPS紙錠SPS Discs1 EABD Difco BBL
BBL231729X因子藥紙片X Factor1 EABD Difco BBL
BBL231741分枝桿菌煙酸試驗試紙TB Niacin Test Strips25 strips /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL231746氧化脢測試片DrySlide Oxidase75 PCS /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL231747吡咯芳胺脢測試片DrySlide PYR Kit15 Slides /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL231748引朵測試玻片DrySlide Indole75 Slides /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL231961耶辛尼亞菌抗生素添加劑Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN6x10mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL240826凝固脢兔血漿15mLCoagulase Plasma, EDTA, 15mL15 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL240827凝固脢兔血漿3mLCoagulase Plasma, EDTA, 3mL3 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL245000腸內與非發酵菌自動鑑定套組Crystal Enteric/Nonfermenter ID Kit20 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL245010厭氧菌自動鑑定套組Crystal Anaerobe ID Kit20 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL245029自動細菌鑑定系統腸內菌接種管Crystal Enteric/Stool ID Inoculum Fluid10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL245038自動細菌鑑定系統接種管Crystal Inoculum Broth10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL245150快速革蘭氏陽性菌自動鑑定套組Crystal Rapid Gram-Positive ID Kit20 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL257486胰蛋白大豆培養液Trypticase Soy Broth(TSB),Wide Mouth BottleWide Mouth Bottle,100 mL/BOT,10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL257633IC-XT三層包裝TSA平板培養基含中和劑與PenicillinaseIC-XT TSA w/ Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL260002厭氧缸(不含Rack)GasPak EZ Small Incubation Container厭氧缸(不含Rack)BD Difco BBL
BBL260003Small Rack of 厭氧缸GasPak EZ Small RackSmall Rack of 厭氧缸BD Difco BBL
BBL260414厭氧缸改良式夾具及螺旋釘組件Improved Clamp/Thumbscrew Assembly for GasPak 100厭氧缸改良式夾具及螺旋釘組件BD Difco BBL
BBL260622厭氧缸GasPak 100 Holding Jar厭氧缸 (上蓋有2個灌氣孔)BD Difco BBL
BBL260637蓋子附O型墊圈GasPak 100 Lid with “O” ring gasket (only)GasPak 100 蓋子附O型墊圈BD Difco BBL
BBL260650可傾斜玻片染色架Tilt Slide Staining Rack可傾斜玻片染色架BD Difco BBL
BBL260671厭氧缸(不含Rack)GasPak EZ Standard Incubation Container厭氧缸(不含Rack)BD Difco BBL
BBL260672厭氧缸(不含Rack)GasPak EZ Large Incubation Container厭氧缸(不含Rack)BD Difco BBL
BBL260673Standard Rack of 厭氧缸GasPak EZ Standard RackStandard Rack of 厭氧缸BD Difco BBL
BBL260674Large Rack of 厭氧缸GasPak EZ Large RackLarge Rack of 厭氧缸BD Difco BBL
BBL260678厭氧產氣包GasPak EZ Anaerobe Container System Sachets20 PKG /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL260680微氧產氣包GasPak EZ Campy Container System Sachets20 PKG /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261181氧化脢試劑Oxidase Reagent50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261182啶橙螢光試劑Acridine Orange50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261185引朵試劑Indole Reagent50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261187DMACA引朵試劑DMACA Indole50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261188乳酸酚紅棉藍試劑Lactophenol Cotton Blue50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261190氯化鐵試劑Ferric Chloride (FeCl3 Reagent)50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261192歐普氏試劑AVoges-Proskauer A (V-P A)50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261193歐普氏試劑BVoges-Proskauer B (V-P B)50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261194印度墨汁India Ink50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261195白螢光鈣試劑Calcofluor White50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261196鏈球菌水解試劑PYR Reagent50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261197硝酸鹽試劑ANitrate A Reagent50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261198硝酸鹽試劑BNitrate B Reagent50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261201寧海準試劑Ninhydrin Reagent50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261203過氧化氫脢試劑Catalase Reagent Dropper50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261204過氧化氫酶試劑Methylene Blue Loeffler Reagent Dropper50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261206鞭毛試劑Flagella Reagent Dropper50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL261207硝酸鹽試劑CNitrate C Reagent Dropper50×0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL292335三層包胰蛋白大豆接觸培養基(含卵磷脂及吐溫80)RODAC TSA w/Lecithin&P80, triple wrappedRODAC, 10 PC/PKG, 100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL292438LB基礎培養液,選擇性蛋白來源LB Broth Base, Select APS500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL292487Campy-Cefex 培養基Campy-Cefex Agar100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL292648三層包胰蛋白大豆培養基(含卵磷脂及吐溫80)TSA w/Lecithin&P80 (100 mm), triple wrapped100 mm, 10 PC/PKGBD Difco BBL
BBL292649三層包胰蛋白大豆培養基(含卵磷脂及吐溫80)TSA w/Lecithin&P80 (100 mm), triple wrapped100 mm, 10 PC/PKG,100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL292652三層包胰蛋白大豆培養基Trypticase Soy Agar (100 mm), triple wrapped100 mm, 10 PC/PKG, 100 PC/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL292846抑制性黴菌培養基Inhibitory Mold Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL296243毛癬菌培養基1號Trichophyton Agar 1 Slant10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL296244毛癬菌培養基2號Trichophyton Agar 2 Slant10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL296245毛癬菌培養基3號Trichophyton Agar 3 Slant10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL296246毛癬菌培養基4號Trichophyton Agar 4 Slant10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL296266B群鏈球菌選擇性培養液Lim Broth15×100 mm, 100 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL297307碎肉碳水化合物培養液Chopped Meat Carbohydrate Broth, PR II5 mL/EA, 10 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL298153M-PA-C綠膿桿菌培養基M-PA-C Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL299068膽汁七葉甘培養基Bile Esculin Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL299070改良式腦心浸出培養液Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Modified500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL299107胰蛋白大豆培養液Trypticase Soy Broth(TSB),SerumSerum,100 mL/BOT,10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL299108硫醇乙酸鹽培養基Fluid Thioglycollate Medium(Fluid TGC Medium),SerumSerum,100 mL/BOT,10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL299416無菌試驗瓶胰蛋白大豆培養液Trypticase Soy Broth(TSB),Septum Screw CapSeptum Screw Cap,100 mL/BOT,10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL299417無菌試驗瓶硫醇乙酸鹽培養基Fluid Thioglycollate Medium(Fluid TGC Medium),Septum Screw CapSeptum Screw Cap,100 mL/BOT,10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL299936胰蛋白大豆培養液Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)10 mL/EA,100 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
BBL442020小孩血液培養瓶含樹脂(粉紅)(塑膠瓶)BD BACTEC Peds Plus Medium (plastic)50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442021含溶血素厭氧血液培養瓶(塑膠瓶)BD BACTEC Lytic Anaerobic Medium in plastic culture vials (plastic)50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442022螢光含樹脂厭氧塑膠血液培養瓶(橘)BD BACTEC Bottle Plastic Plus Anaerobic/F50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442023螢光含樹脂嗜氧塑膠血液培養瓶(灰)BD BACTEC Bottle Plastic Plus Aerobic50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442027嗜氧塑膠血液標準培養瓶(灰)BD BACTEC plastic Standard/10 Aerobic/F Culture Vials50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442191厭氧血液培養瓶BD BACTEC Standard Anaerobic/F culture Medium50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442192嗜氧血液培養瓶含樹脂(灰+藍)BD BACTEC PLUS Aerobic/F Medium50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442193厭氧血液培養瓶含樹脂(橘+金)BD BACTEC PLUS Anaerobic/F Medium50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442194小孩血液培養瓶含樹脂(粉紅)BD BACTEC Peds Plus Medium50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442206真菌血液培養瓶BD BACTEC Mycosis IC/F Medium50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
BBL442288真菌/分枝桿菌血液培養瓶(白+紅)BD BACTEC Myco/F Lytic Medium50 BOT /CTNBD Difco BBL
DIF210310酚紅甘露醇培養基Phenol Red Mannitol Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF210430四硫代硫酸鹽基礎培養液Tetrathionate Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF210950沙氏葡萄糖培養基Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211020沙氏麥芽糖培養基Sabouraud Maltose Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211100營養明膠Nutrient Gelatin500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211220麥芽抽出物培養基Malt Extract Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211320麥芽抽出物培養液Malt Extract Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211527酚紅甘露醇培養液Phenol Red Mannitol Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211671麥芽汁培養基Wort Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211695紫紅膽鹽培養基Violet Red Bile Agar (VRBA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211742費氏培養液添加劑Fraser Broth Supplement6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF211744硫酸月桂酸胰化蛋白凍培養液(含MUG)LST with MUG (Lauryl Tryptose Broth with MUG)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211759離胺酸脫羧脢培養液Lysine Decarboxylase Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211763改良牛津抗生素添加劑Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement6 x 10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF211767費氏培養液Fraser Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211778沙門氏菌O型第34因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 343 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF211780沙門氏菌O型J群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group J3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF211781沙門氏菌O型M群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group M3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF211783沙門氏菌O型N群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group N3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF211794蕃茄汁培養基Tomoto Juice Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211813微生物接種培養液Micro Inoculum Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211822胰蛋白大豆培養液Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium)2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211823胰蛋白大豆培養液Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium)10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211823-500G胰蛋白大豆培養液Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium)500g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211825胰蛋白大豆培養液Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF211835乳糖培養液Lactose Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212107EVA培養液EVA Broth (Ethyl Violet Azide Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212168放線菌分離培養基Actinomycete Isolation Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212169葉酸AOAC培養基Folic AOAC Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212183Elliker培養液Elliker Broth (Lactobacilli Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212185海洋培養基Marine Agar 2216500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212226KF鏈球菌培養液KF Streptococcus Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212316TB快速染液石碳酸復紅TB Quick Stain Carbolfuchsin3 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212485超級基礎培養基Super Broth, Select APS500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212486BD Difco Select APS Super 培養液BD Difco Select APS Super Broth10000 g /BOT (10 kg /BOT)BD Difco BBL
DIF212511TB石碳酸復紅ZNTB Carbolfuchsin ZN4 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212517TB脫色液TB Decolorizer4 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212518TB石碳酸復紅KFTB Carbolfuchsin KF4 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212520TB抗酸性染色組(熱染)TB Stain Kit ZN3 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212522抗酸性染色組TB Stain K3 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212523TB亮綠KTB Brilliant Green K4 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212536啶橙染劑Acridine Orange Stain250 mL/BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212539革蘭氏染色劑組Gram Stain Kit (Stabilized)4 x 250 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF212820牛膽汁Oxgall500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212961念珠菌產色鑑定培養基CHROMagar Candida500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF212962尿道致病菌產色鑑定培養基CHROMagar Orientation500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF213000營養培養基Nutrient Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF213010膽鹽3號Bile Salts No.3100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF213020膽鹽3號Bile Salts No.3500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF213400馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214010洋菜粉Agar Bacto1 lb(454 g) /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214030洋菜粉Agar Bacto2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214040洋菜粉Agar Bacto10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214100亮綠膽鹽培養基Brilliant Green Bile Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214230高純度洋菜粉Agar Noble500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214340明膠Gelatin500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214510顆粒洋菜粉Agar Bacteriological2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214520顆粒洋菜粉Agar Bacteriological10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214530顆粒洋菜粉Agar Bacteriological500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214880改良濾膜法大腸桿菌培養基Modified m TEC Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214881m EI培養基m EI Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214883MI培養基MI Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214885m EI培養基m EI Agar100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214886胰蛋白大豆培養液Typtic Soy Broth, Select APS, irradiated10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214887胰蛋白大豆培養液Typtic Soy Broth, Select APS10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214892彎曲桿菌基礎培養基Campylobacter Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214915志賀氏菌培養液Shigella Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214925沙門氏菌產色鑑定培養基CHROMagar Salmonella374 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF214943RV大豆培養液RV Salmonella Enrichment Broth (RVS Soy Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF215100檸檬酸鹽培養基Koser Citrate Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF215237Bottle MOD TSB with Casamino AcidsBottle MOD TSB with Casamino Acids500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF215331青黴素脢Penase10×20 mL /BOX, (1,000,000 IU/mL)BD Difco BBL
DIF215332ML青黴素脢濃縮液Penase Concentrate10×20 mL /BOX, (10,000,000 IU/mL)BD Difco BBL
DIF215530葡萄糖Dextrose (Glucose)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF215620乳糖Lactose500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF215710核糖醇Adonitol10 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF215810七葉甘Esculin10 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF215910阿拉伯糖L-Arabinose25 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF216210衛矛醇(半乳糖醇)Dulcitol100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF216310半乳糖D-Galactose500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF216830麥芽糖Maltose500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217020甘露醇D-Mannitol500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217110甘露糖D-Mannose25 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217310蜜二糖Melibiose10 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217410棉子糖Raffinose100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217510鼠李糖Rhamnose25 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217520鼠李糖Rhamnose100 g/BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217610蔗糖Saccharose (Sucrose)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217810可溶性澱粉Soluble Starch10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217820可溶性澱粉Soluble Starch500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF217910山梨醇D-Sorbitol500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218010海藻糖Trehalose10 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218041MIL培養基MIL Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218051Wilkins-Chalgren培養基Wilkins-Chalgren Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218071蛋白凍水Peptone Water500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218081梭狀桿菌強化培養液Reinforced Clostridial Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218091Giolitti-Cantoni基礎培養液Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218105緩衝蛋白凍水Buffered Peptone Water500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218110木糖D-Xylose25 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218111OGYE基礎培養基OGYE Agar Base (Oxytetracycline Glucose Yeast Extract)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218172耶辛尼亞菌選擇性培養基Yersinia Selective Agar Base (CIN Agar Base, Modified)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218201彎曲桿菌基礎培養基Campylobacter Agar Base2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218231A-1培養基A-1 Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218263R2A培養基R2A Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218312孟加拉紅基礎培養基Rose Bengal Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218531Muller Kauffmann四硫代硫酸鹽基礎培養液Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218561M17培養液M17 Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218571M17培養基M17 Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218581R-V R10培養液Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10 Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218661紫紅膽鹽葡萄糖培養基Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar (VRBGA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218681改良MSRV半固體培養基Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV) Medium, Semisolid Modification500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218801改良式亮綠培養基Brilliant Green Agar Modified500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF218971最大恢復稀釋液Maximum Recovery Diluent500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF219001酵母抽出物葡萄糖氯黴素培養基Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF219200有無培養液Presence-Absence Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF220100馬康奇培養液MacConkey Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF220215丟棄式無菌接種環1uLDisposable Inoculating Loop 1 μL250EA/PKG (4PKG/BOX), 1000 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF220217丟棄式無菌接種環10uLDisposable Inoculating Loop 10 μL250EA/PKG (4PKG/BOX), 1000 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF220218丟棄式無菌接種針Disposable Inoculating Needle250EA/PKG (4PKG/BOX), 1000 EA/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF220221病毒採集及運送系統Universal Viral Transport Standard Kit50 EA /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF220518無菌拭子Sterile Swab for Environmental Monitoring200 EA/箱 (50EA*4 box)BD Difco BBL
DIF220530改良式李斯特菌增菌培養液Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF221301沙門氏菌O型A群QC抗原QC Antigen Salmonella O Group A1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF221341沙門氏菌O型D群QC抗原QC Antigen Salmonella O Group D1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF221421沙門氏菌Vi QC抗原QC Antigen Salmonella Vi1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222020DNA脢鑑定培養基(含甲基綠)DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF222120LPM基礎培養基LPM Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF222200EC培養液(含MUG)EC Medium with MUG500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF222220李斯特菌增菌培養液Listeria Enrichment Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF222321腦脊髓膜炎多價抗血清Neisseria meningitidis Antiserum Poly (Groups A, B, C, D)1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222330UVM改良李斯特菌增菌培養液UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF222361嗜血桿菌抗血清Type bHaemophilus influenzae Antiserum Type b1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222371嗜血桿菌多價抗血清Haemophilus influenzae Antiserum Poly1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222501嗜血桿菌抗血清Type aHaemophilus influenzae Antiserum Type a1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222530牛津基礎培養基Oxford Medium Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF222571沙門氏菌O型第10因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 103 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222581沙門氏菌O型第15因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 153 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222591沙門氏菌O型第19因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 193 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222601沙門氏菌O型F群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group F3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222611沙門氏菌O型G1群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group G13 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222621沙門氏菌O型H群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group H3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222631沙門氏菌O型I群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group I3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222641沙門氏菌O型多價抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A-I & Vi3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222651沙門氏菌H型Spicer-Edwards 1抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 13 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222661沙門氏菌H型Spicer-Edwards 2抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 23 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222671沙門氏菌H型Spicer-Edwards 3抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 33 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222681沙門氏菌H型Spicer-Edwards 4抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Spicer-Edwards 43 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222691沙門氏菌H型G Complex抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum G Complex3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222701沙門氏菌H型EN Complex抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum EN Complex3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222710溴甲酚紫基礎培養液Purple Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF222711沙門氏菌H型L Complex抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum L Complex3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222721沙門氏菌H型1 Complex抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum 1 Complex3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222731沙門氏菌H型抗血清ehSalmonella H Antiserum eh3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222741沙門氏菌H型抗血清kSalmonella H Antiserum k3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222751沙門氏菌H型抗血清rSalmonella H Antiserum r3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222761沙門氏菌H型抗血清ySalmonella H Antiserum y3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222771沙門氏菌H型抗血清zSalmonella H Antiserum z3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222781沙門氏菌H型Z4 Complex抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Z4 Complex3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222791沙門氏菌H型抗血清z10Salmonella H Antiserum z103 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222801沙門氏菌H型抗血清z29Salmonella H Antiserum z293 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF222810溴甲酚紫基礎培養基Purple Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF223000胰蛋白凍葡萄糖培養基Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGEA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF223001李斯特菌O型抗血清Type 1Listeria O Antiserum Type 11 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF223011李斯特菌O型抗血清Type 4Listeria O Antiserum Type 41 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF223031李斯特菌O型抗原Type 1Listeria O Antigen Type 1 (Slide)5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF223041李斯特菌O型抗原Type 4Listeria O Antigen Type 4 (Slide)5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF223091百日咳抗血清Bordetella pertussis Antiserum1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF223101副百日咳抗血清Bordetella parapertussis Antiserum1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF223143磷酸鹽緩衝液Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.26×10 g /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF223200營養培養基含MUGNutrient Agar with MUG500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF223220胰蛋白血液基礎培養基Tryptose Blood Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF223420沙門氏菌選擇性培養基XLT4 Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF223510普通預增菌培養液Universal Preenrichment Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF223591螢光標記百日咳抗血清FA Bordetella Pertussis5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF223781螢光標記副百日咳抗血清FA Bordetella Parapertussis5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224061沙門氏菌H型多價a-z抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Poly a-z3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224150硫酸月桂酸胰化蛋白凍培養液LST (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) (Lauryl Sulfate Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF224200麥芽培養基Malt Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF224301霍亂弧菌抗血清InabaVibrio Cholerae Antiserum Inaba3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224310抗生素培養基3號Antibiotic Medium 32 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF224311霍亂弧菌抗血清OgawaVibrio Cholerae Antiserum Ogawa3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224320抗生素培養基3號Antibiotic Medium 3500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF224321霍亂弧菌多價抗血清Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Poly3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224410抗生素培養基4號Antibiotic Medium 4500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF224710BCG葡萄糖培養基(Synder測試培養基)BCG Dextrose Agar (Synder Test Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF224731沙門氏菌H型抗血清z6Salmonella H Antiserum z63 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224741沙門氏菌H型第2因子抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 23 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224751沙門氏菌H型第5因子抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 53 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224761沙門氏菌H型第6因子抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 63 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224771沙門氏菌H型第7因子抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Single Factor 73 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF224820去氧膽酸鈉Sodium Desoxycholate100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF225181沙門氏菌O型K群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group K3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225191沙門氏菌O型L群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group L3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225221沙門氏菌O型O群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group O3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225230藥敏試驗培養基Mueller Hinton Agar (M-H Agar)10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF225341沙門氏菌O型多價A抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly A3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225351沙門氏菌O型多價B抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly B3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225361沙門氏菌O型多價C抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly C3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225371沙門氏菌O型多價D抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly D3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225381沙門氏菌O型多價E抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly E3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225391沙門氏菌H型多價A抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Poly A3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225401沙門氏菌H型多價B抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Poly B3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225411沙門氏菌H型多價C抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Poly C3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225421沙門氏菌H型多價D抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Poly D3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225431沙門氏菌H型多價E抗血清Salmonella H Antiserum Poly E3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225441沙門氏菌H型抗血清fSalmonella H Antiserum f3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225451沙門氏菌H型抗血清hSalmonella H Antiserum h3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225461沙門氏菌H型抗血清mSalmonella H Antiserum m3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225481沙門氏菌H型抗血清pSalmonella H Antiserum p3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225501沙門氏菌H型抗血清sSalmonella H Antiserum s3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225511沙門氏菌H型抗血清tSalmonella H Antiserum t3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225541沙門氏菌H型抗血清wSalmonella H Antiserum w3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225551沙門氏菌H型抗血清xSalmonella H Antiserum x3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225571沙門氏菌H型抗血清z15Salmonella H Antiserum z153 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225581沙門氏菌H型抗血清z23Salmonella H Antiserum z233 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225621沙門氏菌H型抗血清z32Salmonella H Antiserum z323 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF225650硫醇乙酸鹽培養基Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Fluid TGC Medium)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF225710NIH硫醇乙酸鹽培養液NIH Thioglycollate Broth (NIH TGC Medium)(USP Alternative Thioglycollate Medium)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF225851百日咳抗原Bordetella Pertussis Antigen5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226340抗生素培養基1號Antibiotic Medium 1500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF226451沙門氏菌O型多價F抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly F3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226461沙門氏菌O型多價G抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Poly G3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226540三糖鐵培養基Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF226591沙門氏菌O型第4因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 43 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226601沙門氏菌O型第5因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 53 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226611沙門氏菌O型第14因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 143 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226621沙門氏菌O型第20因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 203 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226631沙門氏菌O型第22因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 223 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226641沙門氏菌O型第23因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 233 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226661沙門氏菌O型第25因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 253 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226671沙門氏菌O型第27因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 273 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF226730肉粒培養基Cooked Meat Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF226810硝酸鹽培養液Nitrate Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF226920肝浸出物培養液Liver Infusion Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227020抗生素培養基2號Antibiotic Medium 2500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227210尿素培養液Urea Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227300胰蛋白大豆血液基礎培養基2號Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base No.2500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227310脫氧膽鹽培養基Desoxycholate Agar (DC Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227410脫氧膽鹽檸檬酸鹽培養基Desoxycholate Citrate Agar (DC Citrate Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227540亞硒酸鹽培養液Selenite Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227610添加劑BSupplement B6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF227710抗生素培養基5號Antibiotic Medium 5500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227761志賀氏菌多價A1群抗血清Shigella Antiserum Poly Group A13 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF227771志賀氏菌多價C1群抗血清Shigella Antiserum Poly Group C13 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF227781志賀氏菌多價C2群抗血清Shigella Antiserum Poly Group C23 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF227791沙門氏菌O型第12因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 123 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF227891嗜血桿菌抗血清Type cHaemophilus influenzae Antiserum Type c1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF227901嗜血桿菌抗血清Type dHaemophilus influenzae Antiserum Type d1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF227911嗜血桿菌抗血清Type eHaemophilus influenzae Antiserum Type e1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF227920Brewer厭氧菌培養基Brewer Anaerobic Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF227921嗜血桿菌抗血清Type fHaemophilus influenzae Antiserum Type f1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228141沙門氏菌O型第2因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 23 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228151沙門氏菌O型第4,5因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factors 4, 53 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228161沙門氏菌O型第7因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 73 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228171沙門氏菌O型第8因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 83 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228181沙門氏菌O型第9因子抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Factor 93 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228191沙門氏菌O型E群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group E3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228201沙門氏菌H型抗血清aSalmonella H Antiserum a3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228211沙門氏菌H型抗血清bSalmonella H Antiserum b3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228220甘油Glycerol500 g /BOT, 甘油(液狀)BD Difco BBL
DIF228221沙門氏菌H型抗血清cSalmonella H Antiserum c3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228231沙門氏菌H型抗血清dSalmonella H Antiserum d3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228241沙門氏菌H型抗血清iSalmonella H Antiserum i3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228271沙門氏菌Vi抗血清Salmonella Vi Antiserum3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228300胰蛋白大豆血液基礎培養基EHTryptic Soy Blood Agar Base EH500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF228341志賀氏菌多價A群抗血清Shigella Antiserum Poly Group A3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228351志賀氏菌多價B群抗血清Shigella Antiserum Poly Group B3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228361志賀氏菌多價C群抗血清Shigella Antiserum Poly Group C3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228371志賀氏菌多價D群抗血清Shigella Antiserum Poly Group D3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF228530亮綠培養基Brilliant Green Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF228930GC基礎培養基GC Medium Base10 kg/桶BD Difco BBL
DIF228950GC基礎培養基GC Medium Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF229100紫紅膽鹽培養基含MUGViolet Red Bile Agar with MUG (VRBA with MUG)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF229101腦脊髓膜炎多價抗血清Neisseria meningitidis Antiserum Poly 2 (Groups X, Y, Z)1 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229471沙門氏菌O型A群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group A3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229481沙門氏菌O型B群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group B3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229491沙門氏菌O型C1群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group C13 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229501沙門氏菌O型C2群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group C23 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229511沙門氏菌O型D1群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group D13 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229521沙門氏菌O型E1群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group E13 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229701大腸桿菌O157抗血清E. coli O Antiserum O1573 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229730葡萄球菌鑑定培養基Staphylococcus Medium 110500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF229731沙門氏菌O型B群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group B3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF229810輕型鏈球菌培養基Mitis Salivarius Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF230161沙門氏菌O型C3群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group C33 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF230171沙門氏菌O型D2群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group D23 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF230181沙門氏菌O型E3群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group E33 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF230191沙門氏菌O型E4群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group E43 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF230201沙門氏菌O型G2群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group G23 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF230291沙門氏菌O型G群抗血清Salmonella O Antiserum Group G3 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF230310高溫耐酸培養基Thermoacidurans Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231121TTC溶液 1%TTC Solution 1%30 mL /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231131完全H37 Ra佐藥Adjuvant, Complete H37 Ra6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF231141結核菌H37 Ra乾粉M. Tuberculosis H37 Ra, Desiccated6×100 mg /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF231181吐溫80Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80)100 mL /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231430EC培養液EC Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231510SF培養基SF Medium (Streptococcus Faecalis Medium)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231710AC培養液AC Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231810葉酸測試培養基Folic Acid Assay Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231920微生物測試培養基Micro Assay Culture Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF231971改良式EC培養液添加劑Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF232000營養培養液Nutrient Broth10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF232100無脂乳粉Skim Milk500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF232210菸鹼酸測試培養基Niacin Assay Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF232281玫紅酸Rosolic Acid6×1 g /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF232510核黃素測試培養基Riboflavin Assay Medium100 g BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF232681抗生素PAntimicrobic Vial P (Polymyxin B)6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF233120馬康奇培養基(不含鹽)MacConkey Agar without Salt500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF233310m E培養基m E Agar100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF233320m E培養基m E Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF233472蛋黃液Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%6BOT/BOX, 100 mL/BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF233510酵母氮基礎不含氨基酸及亞硫酸銨培養基Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids & Ammonium Sulfate10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF233520酵母氮基礎不含氨基酸及亞硫酸銨培養基Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids & Ammonium Sulfate100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF233541添加劑VXSupplement VX6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF233810Czapek-Dox培養液Czapek-Dox Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF233901退伍軍人菌培養基增菌液Legionella Agar Enrichment6×5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF233910Czapek溶液培養基Czapek Solution Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF234000營養培養液Nutrient Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF234210Tinsdale增菌粉Tinsdale Enrichment, Desiccated6×15 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF234310小牛浸出物培養基Veal Infusion Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF234420小牛浸出物培養液Veal infusion Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF235310沙門氏菌培養基添加劑XLT4 Agar Supplement100 mL /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF236010維生素B12測試培養基Vitamin B12 Assay Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF236210無菌試驗培養液Neutralizing Buffer100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF236930胰蛋白大豆培養基Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar)10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF236950胰蛋白大豆培養基Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Soybean-Casein Digest Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF237300腦心浸出培養液Brain Heart Infusion (BHI Broth)10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF237310Dubos油酸基礎培養基Dubos Oleic Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF237500腦心浸出培養液Brain Heart Infusion (BHI Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF237510Dubos油酸白蛋白複合物Dubos Oleic Albumin Complex, 20 mL12×20 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF238230沙氏葡萄糖培養液Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (SDB)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF238400心浸出物培養液Heart Infusion Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF238510Dubos基礎培養液Dubos Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF238710疊氮化物葡萄糖培養液Azide Dextrose Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF239110酵母碳基礎培養基Yeast Carbon Base100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF239210酵母氮基礎培養基Yeast Nitrogen Base100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF239520丙二酸鹽培養液Malonate Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240110LB培養基LennoxLB Agar, Lennox500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240210LB培養基LennoxLB Broth, Lennox2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240220LB培養液LennoxLB Broth, Lennox10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240230LB培養液LennoxLB Broth, Lennox500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240410NZCYM培養液NZCYM Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240731沙門氏菌O型A群抗原Salmonella O Group A Antigen5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF240732沙門氏菌O型B群抗原Salmonella O Group B Antigen5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF240764VDRL Antigen, 5 mLVDRL Antigen, 5 mL5 mL /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240765VDRL Antigen, (0.5 mL x 10)VDRL Antigen, (0.5 mL x 10)10 x 0.5 mL /SETBD Difco BBL
DIF240784變形桿菌OX K抗原Proteus OX K Antigen5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF240785沙門氏菌鞭毛d抗原Salmonella Flagellar d Antigen5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF240920疊氮化物血液基礎培養基Azide Blood Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF240937熱病陰性對照Febrile Negative Control5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF240939兔熱病抗血清Francisella Tularensis Antiserum5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF240940變形桿菌多價抗血清Proteus Polyvalent Antiserum5 mL /EABD Difco BBL
DIF241210黴漿菌培養基PPLO Agar (Mycoplasma Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF241320Luria基礎培養基MillerLuria Agar Base, Miller500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF241420Luria基礎培養液MillerLuria Broth Base, Miller500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF241510NZYM培養液NZYM Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF241830腦心浸出培養基Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF241910生物素測試培養基Biotin Assay Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242010脫氧膽鹽乳糖培養基Desoxycholate Lactose Agar (DC Lactose Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242420WL營養培養基WL Nutrient Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242510WL鑑別培養基WL Differential Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242710酵母蛋白凍葡萄糖培養基YPD Agar (YeastExtract-Peptone-Dextrose Agar)2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242720酵母蛋白凍葡萄糖培養基YPD Agar (YeastExtract-Peptone-Dextrose Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242810酵母蛋白凍葡萄糖培養液YPD Broth (YeastExtract-Peptone-Dextrose Broth)2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242820酵母蛋白凍葡萄糖培養液YPD Broth (YeastExtract-Peptone-Dextrose Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF242910沙氏麥芽糖培養液Sabouraud Maltose Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF243010硫醇乙酸鹽培養基不含指示劑Thioglycollate Medium without indicator500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF243100抗生素培養基19號Antibiotic Medium 19500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF243110脂肪脢試劑Lipase Reagent6×20 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF243210硫醇乙酸鹽培養基不含葡萄糖或指示劑Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose or Indicator500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF243420硫醇培養液Thiol Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF243810大腸桿菌增菌培養液Terrific Broth2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF243820大腸桿菌增菌培養液Terrific Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF2440202xYT培養液2xYT Broth (2xYeast Extract Tryptone Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244310SOB培養液SOB Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244400心浸出物培養基Heart Infusion Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244410分枝桿菌培養基Lowenstein Medium Base (L-J Medium Base)2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244420分枝桿菌培養基Lowenstein Medium Base (L-J Medium Base)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244510LB培養基MillerLB Agar, Miller2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244520LB培養基MillerLB Agar, Miller500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244610LB培養液MillerLB Broth, Miller2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244620LB培養液MillerLB Broth, Miller500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244820綠膿桿菌螢光培養基Pseudomonas Agar F500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF244910綠膿桿菌色素培養基Pseudomonas Agar P500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF245710B12測試培養基B12 Assay Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF246010膽鹼測試培養基Choline Assay Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF246210抗生素培養基9號Antibiotic Medium 9500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF246310抗生素培養基10號Antibiotic Medium 10500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF247010馬康奇培養基(不含結晶紫)MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF247110WL營養培養液WL Nutrient Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF247810乳酸菌培養液Rogosa SL Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF247940平板計數培養基Plate Count Agar (PCA) (Standard Methods Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF248020乳酸菌培養基Rogosa SL Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF248200百日咳培養基Bordet Gengou Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF248510M9低鹽培養基5XM 9 Minimal Salts, 5X500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF248610革蘭氏陰性菌培養液GN Broth, Hajna500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF248810七葉甘鐵培養基Esculin Iron Agar100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF249120TT基礎培養液TT Broth Base, Hajna500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF249210Todd Hewitt培養液Todd Hewitt Broth2 kg/BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF249220Todd Hewitt培養液Todd Hewitt Broth10 kg/BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF249240Todd Hewitt培養液Todd Hewitt Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF249610KF 鏈球菌培養基KF Streptococcus Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF251100馬鈴薯浸出物培養基Potato Infusion Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF251720蕃茄汁培養液Tomoto Juice Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF252100肝浸出物培養基Liver Infusion Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF252310胱氨酸胰蛋白凍培養基Cystine Tryptic Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF252360腦膜炎檢測套組Directigen Meningitis Combo Test Kit90 test/kitBD Difco BBL
DIF252410毛癬菌培養基6號Trichophyton Agar 6500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF252710添加劑CSupplement C6×5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF253610厭氧培養基Anaerobic Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF254100菌種保存培養基Stock Culture Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF254110B12培養基B12 Culture Agar100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF254210B12培養液B12 Inoculum Broth100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF254410Davis無機鹽培養基Minimal Agar Davis500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF254920馬鈴薯葡萄醣培養液Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF254979Fluid A沖洗液Fluid A300 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF255320微生物含量測試培養基MCTA (Microbial Content Test Agar) (Tryptic Soy Agar with Lecithin and Tween 80)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF255410黴漿菌培養液PPLO Broth (Mycoplasma Broth)10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF255420黴漿菌培養液PPLO Broth (Mycoplasma Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF256120豬腦心浸出培養液Brain Heart Infusion, Porcine500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF256220伏約二氏培養基V-J Agar (Vogel-Johnson Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF256620EE培養液MosselEE Broth Mossel500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF257086氯化鈉蛋白凍緩衝液pH7.0(100mL)Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH7.0, 100mL100 mL/BOT, 25 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF257127硫醇乙酸鹽培養液(雙層包)Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, double wrap, 100 mL100 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF257213胰蛋白大豆培養液(雙層包)Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB), double wrap, 100 mL100 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF257215胰蛋白大豆培養液(雙層包)Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB), double wrap250 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF257219硫醇乙酸鹽培養液(雙層包)Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Special), double wrap340 mL/BOT, 10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF257385磷酸鹽緩衝液100mLPhosphate Buffer pH7.2, 100mL100 mL/BOT, 25 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF258710二氯喃玫瑰紅氯黴素培養基DRBC Agar (Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF258910Eugon培養基Eugon Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF259010Eugon培養液Eugon Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF259100小牛肝培養基Liver Veal Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF259310抗生素培養基11號Antibiotic Medium 11500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF260300胰蛋白磷酸鹽培養液Tryptose Phosphate Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF260410泛酸鹽測試培養基Pantothenate Assay Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF261185Indole Dropper ReagentIndole Dropper Reagent10 x 0.5 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF261710亞碲酸鹽甘氨酸培養基Tellurite Glycine Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF262200胰蛋白培養液Tryptose Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF262710分枝桿菌7H10培養基Middlebrook 7H10 Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF263010改良Letheen培養液Letheen Broth, Modified (MLB)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF263110改良Letheen培養基Letheen Agar, Modified (MLA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF263220DNA脢鑑定培養基DNase Test Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF263410營養培養基 pH 6.0Nutrient Agar pH 6.0500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF263620PALCAM基礎培養基PALCAM Medium Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF263710PALCAM抗生素添加劑PALCAM Antimicrobic Supplement3×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF263810完全佐藥Adjuvant, Complete (Freund)6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF263910不完全佐藥Adjuvant, Incomplete (Freund)6×10 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF264010酪酸菌乾粉M. Butyricum, Desiccated6×100 mg /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF264120強化梭菌鑑定培養基Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF264300胰蛋白培養基Tryptose Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF264410胰化蛋白凍水Tryptone Water500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF264920m葡萄球菌培養液m Staphylococcus Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF265020弧菌分離培養基TCBS Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF265100Proteose 3號培養基Proteose No.3 Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF265320半Fraser基礎培養液Demi-Fraser Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF265430APT培養基APT Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF265510APT培養液APT Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF266520乳糖蛋白凍培養液Lactose Peptone Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF266710抗生素培養基8號Antibiotic Medium 8500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF266910抗生素培養基12號Antibiotic Medium 12500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF267100葡萄糖培養基Dextrose Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF267720m FC培養基m FC Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF268010Letheen培養基Letheen Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF268110Letheen培養液Letheen Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF268620D/E中和培養基D/E Neutralizing Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF268740亞硒酸鹽胱胺酸培養液Selenite Cystine Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF268820氧化發酵基礎培養基OF Basal Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF269100營養培養基1.5%Nutrient Agar 1.5%500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF269720硫醇乙酸鹽牛肉萃取物培養基Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with Beef Extract500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF270310Cooke孟加拉紅培養基Cooke Rose Bengal Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF271120酵母菌及黴菌培養液YM Broth (Yeast Mold Broth) (Yeast Malt Broth)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF271210酵母菌及黴菌培養基YM Agar (Yeast Mold Agar) (Yeast Malt Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF271310分枝桿菌7H9培養液Middlebrook 7H9 Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF271710煌綠磺胺培養基BG Sulfa Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF272100澱粉培養基Starch Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF273300亞硫酸鉍培養基Bismuth Sulfite Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF273520運動性引朵鳥氨酸培養基MIO Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF273620濾膜法大腸桿菌群培養基m Endo Agar LES500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF2740002%亮綠膽鹽培養液Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% (BGLB)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF274520苯丙氨酸培養基Phenylalanine Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF274620濾膜法腸球菌培養基m Enterococcus Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF274710改良沙氏培養基Sabouraud Agar Modified (Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons)2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF274720改良沙氏培養基Sabouraud Agar Modified (Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF274930濾膜法大腸桿菌群培養液m Endo Broth MF500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF275020濾膜法用總生菌培養液m TGE Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF275120濾膜法平板計數培養液m Plate Count Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF275220濾膜法HPC培養基m HPC Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF275610Davis無機鹽培養液不含葡萄糖Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF275730藥敏試驗培養基Mueller Hinton Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF276840巴德派克培養基Baird-Parker Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF276910放線菌培養基1號ISP Medium 1500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF277010放線菌培養基2號ISP Medium 2500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF277210放線菌培養基4號ISP Medium 4500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF277910蛋黃液(含亞碲酸鹽)Egg Yolk Tellurite Enrichment (EY Tellurite)6BOT/BOX, 100 mL/BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF278610Tinsdale基礎培養基Tinsdale Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF278850木蜜糖培養基XLD Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF279030增強溶血哥倫比亞血液基礎培養基Columbia Blood Agar Base EH500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF279100馬康奇山梨醇培養基MacConkey Sorbitol Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF279110海洋培養液Marine Broth 2216500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF279240哥倫比亞血液基礎培養基Columbia Blood Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF279410鉤端螺旋菌基礎培養基EMJHLeptospira Medium Base EMJH500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF279510鉤端螺旋菌增菌液EMJHLeptospira Enrichment EMJH6×100 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF279720SABHI基礎培養基SABHI Agar Base (Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar Base)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF280100葡萄糖胰蛋白凍培養基Dextrose Tryptone Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF281010仙人掌桿菌培養基MYP Agar (Mannitol Yolk Polymyxin B Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF281110SFP基礎培養基SFP Agar Base (Shahidi Ferguson Perfringens TSC Agar Base)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF281230洋菜粉Agar Technical500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF281610泛酸鹽培養基Pantothenate Medium100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF281810馬康奇基礎培養基MacConkey Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF281910D/E中和培養液D/E Neutralizing Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF283510念珠菌溴甲酚氯基礎培養基Candida BCG Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF283610黴漿菌添加劑Mycoplasma Supplement6×30 mL /BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF284920離胺酸鐵培養基Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF285340海克頓腸內菌培養基Hektoen Enteric Agar (H E Agar)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF285420溴化十六基三甲銨培養基Cetrimide Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF285610UBA培養基UBA Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF286220胰蛋白大豆培養液不含葡萄糖Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF286910運動性GI培養基Motility GI Medium500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF287220脫羧脢基礎培養基Decarboxylase Medium Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF287410毛癬菌培養基2號Trichophyton Agar 2500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF287710毛癬菌培養基1號Trichophyton Agar 1500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF288110乳酸菌MRS培養液Lactobacilli MRS Broth2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF288120乳酸菌MRS培養液Lactobacilli MRS Broth10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF288120-500G乳酸菌MRS培養液Lactobacilli MRS Broth500g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF288130乳酸菌MRS培養液Lactobacilli MRS Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF288210乳酸菌MRS培養基Lactobacilli MRS Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF288330m FC基礎培養液m FC Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF289100蛋白凍鐵培養基Peptone Iron Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF289410碳培養基Charcoal Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF290010乳酸菌培養基AOACLactobacilli Agar AOAC100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF290110乳酸菌培養液AOACLactobacilli Broth AOAC100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF290720緩衝李斯特菌增菌基礎培養液Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (BLEB)500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF290821液體AFluid A100 mL/BOT ,10 BOT/BOXBD Difco BBL
DIF291920酵母氮基礎不含胺基酸培養基Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF291930酵母氮基礎不含胺基酸培養基Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids10 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF291940酵母氮基礎不含胺基酸培養基Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF292710綠膿桿菌分離培養基Pseudomonas Isolation Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF292848TAT基礎培養液TAT Broth Base2 kg /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF294020M培養液M Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF294110McClung Toabe基礎培養基McClung Toabe Agar Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF294420哥倫比亞培養液Columbia Broth500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF295010醇藍培養基Spirit Blue Agar100 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF295020醇藍培養基Spirit Blue Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF295510毛癬菌培養基7號Trichophyton Agar 7500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF296510毛癬菌培養基3號Trichophyton Agar 3500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF297210亞硫酸鹽培養基Sulfite Agar500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
DIF298410TAT基礎培養液TAT Broth Base500 g /BOTBD Difco BBL
BBL211929酵母抽出物Yeast Extract454 g /BOTBDAB
DIF211520牛肉萃取物(粉狀)Beef Extract, Desiccated500 g /BOTBDAB
DIF211684蛋白酵素分解物Proteose Peptone500 g /BOTBDAB
DIF211693蛋白酵素分解物3號Proteose Peptone No.3500 g /BOTBDAB
DIF218630麥芽抽出物Malt Extract500 g /BOTBDAB
DIF223050酪蛋白酸水解物Casamino Acids500 g /BOTBDAB
DIF225930胰消化酪蛋白Casitone500 g /BOTBDAB
DIF243620大豆水解物Soytone500 g /BOTBDAB


  • 微生物培養基圖譜
  • 菌落型態
  • 成分配方
  • 品管要求
  • 應用原理
  • 依循規範

This manual is organized into four major sections:

  • Monographs pertaining to the development, quality control and utilization of microbial culture media.
  • General technical information on dehydrated and prepared culture media.
  • Product descriptions for culture media and ingredients.
  • Reference section containing tables summarizing industrial and clinical applications and descriptions of related media and media component analyses.


必帝全系列粉末培養基BD Difco™ & BBL產品列表

A-1 Medium
A7 Agar, Modified
AC Broth
Acetamide Agar
Acetate Differential Agar
Acidicase™ Peptone
Actinomyces Broth
Actinomycete Isolation Agar
Agar, 1.5%
Agar, Bacto™
Agar, Grade A
Agar, Granulated
Agar, Noble
Agar, Select
Agar, Technical
AK Agar #2 (Sporulating Agar)
Alkaline Peptone Water
Amies Transport Media
Amino Acid Assay Media
Anaerobe Broth MIC
Anaerobe CNA Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood KV Agar
Anaerobe Neomycin 5% Sheep Blood Agar
Anaerobic Agar
Antibiotic Assay Broth
Antibiotic Assay Media
Antibiotic Medium 1
Antibiotic Medium 2
Antibiotic Medium 3
Antibiotic Medium 4
Antibiotic Medium 5
Antibiotic Medium 8
Antibiotic Medium 9
Antibiotic Medium 10
Antibiotic Medium 11
Antibiotic Medium 12
Antibiotic Medium 13
Antibiotic Medium 19
Antimicrobic CNV
Antimicrobic Vial A
Antimicrobic Vial K
Antimicrobic Vial Oxytetracycline
Antimicrobic Vial P
APT Agar
APT Broth
Arylsulfatase Broth (0.001 M and 0.003 M)
Aspergillus Differential Agar
Azide Blood Agar Base
Azide Dextrose Broth
B12 Assay Medium
B12 Culture Agar
B12 Inoculum Broth
Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar (BBE)
BAGG Broth
Baird-Parker Agar Base
Baird-Parker Agar
BCYE Agar Base
BCYE Agars
BCYE Differential Agar
BCYE Selective Agars (CCVC, PAC, PAV)
Beef Extract
Beef Extract, Desiccated
Beef Extract Powder
Beef Heart for Infusion
BG Sulfa Agar
BiGGY Agar
Bile Esculin Agar
Biosate™ Peptone
Biotin Assay Medium
Bird Seed Agar
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)
Blood Agar Base No. 2
Bordet Gengou Agar Base
Bordet Gengou Blood Agar
Bovine Albumin 5%
Brain Heart CC Agar
Brain Heart Infusion
Brain Heart Infusion (Broth Media)
Brain Heart Infusion Agar
Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified
Brain Heart Infusion Agars
Brain Heart Infusion Broth, Modified
Brain Heart Infusion, Porcine
Brain Heart Infusion Sheep Blood Agar
Brain Heart Infusion with PAB and Agar
Brain Heart Infusion with PABA
Brain Heart Infusion with Supplements
Brain Heart Infusion without Dextrose
Brewer Anaerobic Agar
Brilliant Green Agar
Brilliant Green Agar Modified
Brilliant Green Bile Agar
Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
m Brilliant Green Broth
Brucella Agar
Brucella Agar with 5% Horse Blood
Brucella Agar with 5% Sheep Blood Hemin and Vitamin K1
Brucella Broth .
Brucella Broth with 20% Glycerol
Brucella Laked Sheep Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin
Brucella Media
Brucella Media for Anaerobes
Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base
Buffered Peptone Water
Buffered Peptone Water II
Bushnell-Haas Broth
Butterfield Buffer with 0.1% Peptone and 2% Polysorbate 80
Campy CSM Agar
Campy CVA Agar
Campylobacter Agar Base
Campylobacter Agar with 5 Antimicrobics and 10% Sheep Blood
Campylobacter Agars
Camplyobacter Antimicrobic Supplement Blaser
Campylobacter Antimicrobic Supplement Skirrow
Campylobacter Thioglycollate Medium with 5 Antimicrobics
Candida BCG Agar Base
Candida Bromcresol Green Agar
Candida Isolation Agar
Cary and Blair Transport Medium
Casamino Acids
Casamino Acids, Technical
Casamino Acids, Vitamin Assay
Casein Agar
Casein Digest
Casman Agar Base
CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar
CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin
CDC Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar
with Phenylethyl Alcohol
CDC Anaerobe Laked Sheep Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin
Cetrimide Agar Base
Chapman Stone Medium
Charcoal Agar
Chocolate II Agar
Chocolate II Agar with Bacitracin
Chocolate II Agar with Pyridoxal
Choline Assay Medium
Chopped Meat Carbohydrate Broth, PR II
Chopped Meat Glucose Broth, PR II
CIN Agar Base (Yersinia Selective Agar Base)
Clostridium Difficile Selective Agar
Clostrisel Agar
Coagulase Mannitol Agar
Columbia Agar Base Columbia Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Columbia Agar with Fildes Enrichment and Bacitracin
Columbia Agars
Columbia Anaerobe 5% Sheep Blood Agar
Columbia Blood Agar Base
Columbia Blood Agar Base EH
Columbia Broth
Columbia CNA Agar
Columbia CNA Agar, Modified
Columbia PNA Agar
Cooke Rose Bengal Agar
Cooked Meat Medium
Cooked Meat Medium with Glucose, Hemin and Vitamin K1
Corn Meal Agar
Corn Meal Agar with 1% Dextrose
Corn Meal Agar with Polysorbate 80
CTA Agar
CTA Medium™
CTA Medium™ with Carbohydrates
Cystine Assay Medium
Cystine Heart Agar
Cystine Tryptic Agar
Czapek Solution Agar
Czapek-Dox Broth
D/E Neutralizing Agar
D/E Neutralizing Broth
Decarboxylase Base Moeller
Decarboxylase Differential Media
Decarboxylase Medium Base
Demi-Fraser Broth Base
Dermatophyte Test Medium Base
Dermatophyte Test Medium, Modified with Chloramphenicol
Desoxycholate Agar
Desoxycholate Citrate Agar
Desoxycholate Lactose Agar
Dextrose Agar
Dextrose Broth
Dextrose Starch Agar
Dextrose Tryptone Agar
Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar
DNase Test Agar
DNase Test Agar with Methyl Green
DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue
DNase Test Agars
Dubos Broth Base
Dubos Broth, Enriched
Dubos Media
Dubos Medium Albumin
Dubos Oleic Agar Base
Dubos Oleic Albumin Complex
m E Agar
EC Medium
EC Medium, Modified
EC Medium with MUG
EE Broth Mossel
Egg Meat Medium
Egg Yolk Agar, Modified
Egg Yolk Enrichment 50%
mEI Agar
Elliker Broth
EMB Agar, Levine, without Lactose
Emerson YpSs Agar
Endo Agar
m Endo Agar LES
m Endo Broth MF™
Enriched Thioglycollate Media
Enriched Thioglycollate Medium
Enriched Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium Carbonate
Enteric Fermentation Base
Enterococcosel™ Agar
Enterococcosel™ Agar with Vancomycin, 8 µg/mL
Enterococcosel™ Broth
m Enterococcus Agar
Enterococcus Screen Agar QUAD Plate
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine
Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Modified, Holt-Harris and Teague
Esculin Agar
Esculin Iron Agar
Eugon Agar
Eugon Broth
Eugonbroth™ Medium
EVA Broth
EY Tellurite Enrichment
m FC Agar
m FC Basal Medium
m FC Broth Base
Ferric Chloride Reagent
Fildes Enrichment
Fletcher Medium Base
Fletcher’s Media
Fletcher’s Medium
Fletcher’s Medium with 5-FU
FLN Agar
Flo Agar
Fluid A
Fluid D
Fluid Sabouraud Medium
Fluid Thioglycollate Media
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Enriched
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium with Beef Extract
Folic Acid Assay Medium
Folic Acid Casei Medium
Folic AOAC Medium
Fraser Broth Base
Fraser Broth Supplement
FTA Hemagglutination Buffer
GBNA Medium
GC Agar Base
GC II Agar Base
GC II Agar with IsoVitaleX™ Enrichment
GC Medium Base
GC-Lect™ Agar
Gelysate™ Peptone
Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
GN Broth
GN Broth, Hajna
M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth
Group A Selective Strep Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Haemophilus Isolation Agar with Bacitracin
Haemophilus Test Medium Agar (HTM Agar)
Haemophilus Test Medium Broth (HTM Broth)
HBT Bilayer Medium
HC Agar Base
Heart Infusion Agar
Heart Infusion Broth
Hektoen Enteric Agar
Hemo (Haemophilus) Identification (ID) QUAD Plate
Herrold’s Egg Yolk Agar with Mycobactin J and ANV
Herrold’s Egg Yolk Agar without Mycobactin J with ANV
m HPC Agar
Indole Nitrite Medium (Trypticase™ Nitrate Broth)
Infusion Broth
Inhibitory Mold Agar
Inhibitory Mold Agar with Gentamicin
Inositol Assay Medium
IsoVitaleX™ Enrichment
ISP Medium 1
ISP Medium 2
ISP Medium 4
Jordan’s Tartrate AgarKF Streptococcus Agar
KF Streptococcus Broth
KL Antitoxin Strips
KL Virulence Agar
KL Virulence Enrichment
Kligler Iron Agar
Koser Citrate Medium
Lactobacilli Agar AOAC
Lactobacilli Broth AOAC
Lactobacilli MRS Agar
Lactobacilli MRS Broth
Lactose Broth
Lactose Peptone Broth
Lauryl Sulfate Broth
Lauryl Sulfate Broth with MUG
Lauryl Tryptose Broth
Lauryl Tryptose Broth with MUG
LB Agar, Lennox
LB Agar, Miller
LB Broth, Lennox
LB Broth, Miller
LBS Agar
LBS Broth
Lecithin Lactose Agar
Legionella Selective Agar
Legionella Selective Agar DGVP
Leptospira Enrichment EMJH
Leptospira Medium Base EMJH
Letheen Agar
Letheen Agar, Modified
Letheen Broth
Letheen Broth, Modified
Levine EMB Agar
Lim Broth
Lima Bean Agar
Lipase Reagent
Listeria Enrichment Broth
Listeria Enrichment Broth Base, Buffered
Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified
Listeria Selective Supplement
Litmus Milk
Littman Oxgall Agar
Liver Infusion Agar
Liver Infusion Broth
Liver Veal Agar
Loeffler Blood Serum
Loeffler Medium
Lowenstein Media
Lowenstein Medium Base
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium, Gruft
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium with 5% Sodium Chloride
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium with Iron
Lowenstein-Jensen Medium with Pyruvic Acid
LPM Agar Base
Luria Agar Base, Miller
Luria Broth Base, Miller
Lysine Assay Medium
Lysine Decarboxylase Broth
Lysine Iron Agar
Lysozyme Broth
Lysozyme Control
m Brilliant Green Broth
m E Agar
m Endo Agar LES
m Endo Broth MF™
m Enterococcus Agar
m FC Agar
m FC Basal Medium
m FC Broth Base
m HPC Agar
m Plate Count Broth
m Staphylococcus Broth
m TEC Agar
m TGE Broth
M Broth
M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth
M-PA-C Agar
M17 Agar
M17 Broth
M9 Minimal Salts, 5×
MacConkey Agar
MacConkey Agar Base
MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet
MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet or Salt
MacConkey Agar without Salt
MacConkey Agars
MacConkey Agars with Sorbitol
MacConkey Broth
MacConkey II Agar
MacConkey II Agar with MUG
MacConkey II Agar with Sorbitol
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
Malonate Broth
Malonate Broth, (Ewing) Modified
Malt Agar
Malt Extract
Malt Extract Agar
Malt Extract Broth
Mannitol Salt Agar
Marine Agar 2216
Marine Broth 2216
Martin-Lewis Agar
Martin-Lewis Agar (Gono-Pak)
Martin-Lewis Agar (JEMBEC™)
Martin-Lewis Agar, Modified
Maximum Recovery Diluent
McBride Listeria Agar
McClung Toabe Agar Base
McFarland Turbidity Standard No. 0.5
mEI Agar
Methionine Assay Medium
MI Agar
Micro Assay Culture Agar
Micro Inoculum Broth
Microbial Content Test Agar
Middlebrook 7H10 Agar
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with Glycerol
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with Polysorbate 80
Middlebrook ADC Enrichment
Middlebrook and Cohn 7H10 Agar
Middlebrook OADC Enrichment
MIL Medium
Milk Agar
Minerals Modified Glutamate Broth
Minimal Agar Davis
Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose
MIO Medium
Mitis Salivarius Agar
Modified mTEC Agar
Modified Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
Modified Thayer-Martin (MTM II) Agar
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with Arginine
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with Lysine
Moeller Decarboxylase Broth with Ornithine
Moeller Decarboxylase Broths
Moeller KCN Broth Base
Motility GI Medium
Motility Indole Lysine Sulfide (MILS) Medium
Motility Indole Ornithine Medium
Motility Nitrate (MN) Medium
Motility Test Medium
MR-VP Broth
MR-VP Medium
mTEC Agar, Modified
Mucate Agar
Mucate Broth
Mueller Hinton Agar
Mueller Hinton Agars
Mueller Hinton Broth (Not Cation-Adjusted)
Mueller Hinton Chocolate Agar
Mueller Hinton II Agar
Mueller Hinton Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Mueller Hinton II Agar with Tryptophan
Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted)
Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted)
with 2% Sodium Chloride
Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted)
with Lysed Horse Blood
Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
Mycobacteria 7H11 Agar
Mycobactosel™ L-J Medium
Mycological Agar
Mycological Media
Mycophil™ Agar
Mycophil™ Agar with Low pH
Mycoplasma Broth Base (Frey)
Mycoplasma Enrichment w/o Penicillin
Mycoplasma Media
Mycoplasma Supplement
Mycosel™ Agar
MYP Agar
NBB Agar Base, Modified
Neomycin Blood Agar
Neutralizing Buffer
New York City (NYC) Medium, Modified
Niacin Assay Medium
NIH Thioglycollate Broth
Nitrate Broth
Nocardia Differentiation Media
Nocardia ID QUAD
Novobiocin Antimicrobic Supplement
Nutrient Agar
Nutrient Agar 1.5%
Nutrient Agar with MUG
Nutrient Broth
Nutrient Gelatin
NZYM Broth
Oatmeal Agar
OF Basal Medium
OF Medium with Carbohydrates
OGYE Agar Base
Orange Serum Agar
Orange Serum Broth Concentrate 10×
Oxacillin Screen Agar
Oxford Antimicrobic Supplement
Oxford Medium Base
M-PA-C Agar
Pagano Levin Base
PALCAM Antimicrobic Supplement
PALCAM Medium Base
Pantothenate Assay Medium
Pantothenate Medium AOAC
PC Agar
Peptic Digest Agar
Peptone Iron Agar
Peptone Water
Petragnani Medium
Phenol Red Agar Base
Phenol Red Agar Media
Phenol Red Broth Base
Phenol Red Broth with Carbohydrates
Phenol Red Mannitol Agar
Phenylalanine Agar
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2
Phosphate Buffered Saline
Phytone™ Peptone
Phytone™ Peptone, UF
Phytone™ Yeast Extract Agar
PKU Subtilis Spore Suspension
PKU Test Agar
PKU Test Agar without Thienylalanine
Plate Count Agar
m Plate Count Broth
Polypeptone™ Peptone
Potato Dextrose Agar
Potato Dextrose Broth
Potato Flakes Agar
Potato Flakes Agar with Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin
Potato Flakes CC Agar
Potato Infusion Agar
PPLO Agar (Mycoplasma Agar Base)
PPLO Broth (Mycoplasma Broth Base)
PPLO Media (Mycoplasma Media)
Presence-Absence Broth
Proteose No. 3 Agar
Proteose Peptone
Proteose Peptone No. 2
Proteose Peptone No. 3
Proteose Peptone No. 4
Pseudomonas Agar F
Pseudomonas Agar P
Pseudomonas Agars
Pseudomonas Isolation Agar
Pseudosel™ Agar
Purple Agar Base
Purple Broth Base
Purple Broth with Carbohydrates
Purple Lactose Agar
Pyridoxine Y Medium
R2A Agar
Raka-Ray No. 3 Medium
Rapid Fermentation Medium
Rapid Fermentation Medium with Carbohydrates
Rapid Urea Broth
Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV) Medium, Semisolid Modification
Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10 Broth
Regan-Lowe Charcoal Agar
Regan-Lowe Charcoal Agar without Cephalexin
Reinforced Clostridial Medium
Riboflavin Assay Medium
Rice Extract Agar
Rogosa SL Agar
Rogosa SL Broth
Rose Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Rose Bengal Agar Base
Rose Bengal Antimicrobic Supplement C
Rosolic Acid
Sabouraud Agar, Modified
Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar
Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar Base
Sabouraud Brain Heart Infusion Agar with Antimicrobics
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Emmons, with Antimicrobics
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Antimicrobics
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
Sabouraud Liquid Broth Modified
Sabouraud Maltose Agar
Sabouraud Maltose Broth
Sabouraud Media (Low pH)
Saline, 0.45%
Saline, Normal
Salmonella Shigella Agar
Salt Broth, Modified
SBG Sulfa Enrichment
Schaedler Agar
Schaedler Agar with Vitamin K1 and 5% Sheep Blood
Schaedler Broth
Schaedler Broth with Vitamin K1
Schaedler K-V Agar with 5% Sheep Blood
Schaedler Media
Select Soytone
Selective Brain Heart Infusion Agars
Selective Seven H11 Agar
Selective Streptococcus Agar
Selenite Broth
Selenite Cystine Broth
Selenite-F Broth
Serum Tellurite Agar
Seven H11 Agar
Seven H11 Agar Base
Seven H11 Agar with Aspartic Acid and Pyruvate
Seven H11 Agars
SF Broth
SF Medium
SFP Agar Base
SIM Medium
Simmons Citrate Agar
Skim Milk Medium
Skirrows Medium
Snyder Test Agar
SOB Medium
Sodium Hippurate Broth
Sorbitol MacConkey Agars
Sorbitol MacConkey II Agar with Cefixime and Tellurite
Soybean-Casein Digest Agar Media
Soybean-Casein Digest Broth Media
Soytone, Bacto™
Special Yeast and Mold Medium
Spirit Blue Agar
Spirolate Broth
SPS Agar
SS Agar
Standard Methods Agar
Standard Methods Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80
m Staphylococcus Broth
Staphylococcus Medium 110
Starch Agar
Starch Agar with Bromcresol Purple
Sterility Test Broth
Stock Culture Agar
Strep ID Quad
Sulfite Agar
Supplement B
Supplement VX
SXT Blood Agar
Synthetic Broth AOAC
TAT Broth
TAT Broth Base
TC Lactalbumin Hydrolysate
TC Yeastolate
TC Yeastolate, UF
Tech Agar
m TEC Agar
Tellurite Glycine Agar
Tellurite Solution 1%
Terrific Broth
Tetrathionate Broth Base
m TGE Broth
Thayer-Martin Selective Agar
Thermoacidurans Agar
Thiamine Assay Medium
Thiamine Assay Medium LV
Thioglycollate Media
Thioglycollate Medium (Fluid), without Dextrose
Thioglycollate Medium, Brewer Modified
Thioglycollate Medium with Calcium Carbonate
Thioglycollate Medium without Dextrose
Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator (135C)
Thiol Broth
Thiol Medium
Thiotone™ E Peptone
Tinsdale Agar Base
Tinsdale Enrichment Desiccated
Todd Hewitt Broth
Todd Hewitt Broth with Gentamicin and Nalidixic Acid
Tomato Juice Agar Special
Tomato Juice Broth
Tomato Juice Media
TPEY Agar Base
Transport Media
Transport Medium (Stuart, Toshach and Patsula)
Transport Medium Amies
Transport Medium Amies without Charcoal
Trichophyton Agars 1 – 7
Trichosel™ Broth, Modified
Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Tryptic Nitrate Medium
Tryptic Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80
Tryptic Soy Agar/Trypticase™ Soy Agar
Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base EH
Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base No. 2
Tryptic Soy Broth
Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose
Trypticase™ Peptone
Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Modified (TSA II)
Trypticase™ Soy Agar with 10% Sheep Blood (TSA II)
Trypticase™ Soy Agar with 5% Horse Blood (TSA II)
Trypticase™ Soy Agar with 5% Rabbit Blood (TSA II)
Trypticase™ Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood (TSA II)
Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate
Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin, Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase
Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase
Trypticase™ Soy Broth
Trypticase™ Soy Broth with 0.15% Agar
Trypticase™ Soy Broth with 20% Glycerol
Trypticase™ Soy Broth with 5% Fildes Enrichment
Trypticase™ Soy Broth with 6.5% Sodium Chloride
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar
Tryptone Water
Tryptose Agar
Tryptose Blood Agar Base
Tryptose Broth
Tryptose Phosphate Broth
TSA Blood Agars
TSI Agar
TSN Agar
TT Broth Base, Hajna
TTC Solution 1%
Tween™ 80 Water
Tyrosine Agar
Universal Beer Agar
Universal Preenrichment Broth
Urea Agar
Urea Agar Base
Urea Agar Base Concentrate 10×
Urea Broth
Urea Media
Urease Broth Concentrate 10×
Urease Test Broth
UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth
V Agar
Vancomycin Screen Agar
VCA Inhibitor
VCAT Inhibitor
VCN Inhibitor
VCNT Inhibitor
Veal Infusion Agar
Veal Infusion Broth
Violet Red Bile Agar
Violet Red Bile Agar with MUG
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
Vitamin B12 Assay Medium
Vitamin K1 – Hemin Solution
VJ Agar (Vogel and Johnson Agar)
Vogel and Johnson Agar
Wallenstein Medium
Wilkins-Chalgren Agar
WL Differential Medium
WL Nutrient Broth
WL Nutrient Medium
Xanthine Agar
XL Agar Base
XLD Agar
XLT4 Agar Base
XLT4 Agar Supplement
Yeast Carbon Base
Yeast Extract
Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar
Yeast Extract, LD
Yeast Extract Phosphate (YEP) Agar
Yeast Extract, Technical
Yeast Extract, UF
Yeast Fermentation Broth Base with Durham Tube
Yeast Fermentation Broth with Carbohydrates .
Yeast Media
Yeast Morphology Agar
Yeast Nitrogen Agar
Yeast Nitrogen Base
Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids
Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulfate
Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN
Yersinia Selective Agar Base (CIN Agar Base)
YM Agar
YM Broth
YPD Agar
YPD Broth
2×YT Medium





Microbiologics ® (MBL)菌株購買申請流程