嗜肺性退伍軍人菌尿液抗原檢測套組Oxoid™ Xpect™ Legionella

01 Product Description

嗜肺性退伍軍人菌尿液抗原檢測套組Oxoid™ Xpect™ Legionella

Oxoid™ / Remel 公司是目前全球公認的最佳免疫診斷產品製造商之一,其 Xpect™ 系列之快速免疫檢測套組,可在 15~20 分鐘內得到分析結果,而且無須繁雜的前處理步驟,可將檢體直接測試,操作步驟簡單易學,判讀明確快速。

傳統鑑定 Legionella 退伍軍人菌通常需耗費多日的檢驗時間,實驗也必須由具有相當經驗的微生物專業人員與設備良好的檢驗單位方能順利進行。而 Xpect™ Legionella test  利用免疫層析(immunochromatographic)的原理,可以快速而且簡單地,檢測人類尿液樣本中嗜肺性退伍軍人菌抗原呈現與否。Oxoid / Remel 領先全球推出同時可檢測 Legionella pneumophila 血清型 1 與血清型 6 的 Xpect™ Legionella test 產品,大大地增加了產品的專一性(100%)與靈敏度(94.1%)。

The ThermoFisher Oxoid™ Xpect™ Legionella test is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the direct detection of Legionella pneumophila antigen in human urine samples. Designed to detect both serogroups 1 and 6, it has excellent sensitivity and specificity, is easy to use, and can be stored at room temperature. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 is the most frequent among human isolates, followed by L. pneumphila serogroup 6 according to the frequency of isolation from clinical samples4. Pneumonia caused by L. pneumophila has no particular clinical features to distinguish it from other pneumonias. Traditional methods for the confirmation of Legionella species are lengthy and laborious, and tend only to be performed in larger central laboratories. This causes considerable delays in obtaining results. The use of Xpect™ Legionella allows early diagnosis and initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy.